Planning and Approvals

Moorebank Precinct East (MPE)

Environmental Assessment and Approvals
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Determination Signed notice
Post Approval Documents
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2022-2023)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2020-2021)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2018-2019)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2017-2018)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2019-2020)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2021-2022)
MPE EPBC Independent Audit Report (2019)
Precinct Operational Air Quality Management Plan
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Determination - Variation to Approval Conditions
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Determination - as varied June 2022
Moorebank Precinct East (MPE)
Moorebank Precinct West (MPW)
Moorebank Avenue Realignment (MAR)
Precinct Wide Approvals (PWA)