Planning and Approvals

Precinct Wide Approvals (PWA)

Environmental Assessment and Approvals
MPW South Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Soil and Water Management Plan-Addendum
MPW South Construction Out of Hours Works Protocol- Addendum
MPW South Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan- Addendum
PW South Construction Emergency Response Plan- Addendum
MPW South Community Communication Strategy Addendum Redacted
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 0A Site Masterplans
MPW S1 Preliminary Project Overview
MPE S1 Concept Plan SEARs
MPE S1 PEA and Request for SEARs
MPE Concept Plan Authorisation
MPE Concept Plan Major Project Declaration
MPE Concept Plan Preliminary Environmental Assessment
MPE Concept Plan Application Form
MPE Concept Plan Political Donations Declaration
MPE Concept Plan Preliminary Environmental Overview
MPW S2 Preliminary Environmental Assessment and SEARs
MPE S1 Concept Plan SEARs
MPE S1 PEA and Request for SEARs
MPW S1 Revised SEARs Cover Letter 020914
MPW S1 Revised SEARs 020914
MPW S1 Director Generals Requirements 1
MPW S2 Proposal Agency Traffic Meeting Minutes
MPE S2 20160428 SSD PEA
MPE S2 SEARs 270516
MPE S2 SEARs revised
MPW S2 Preliminary Environmental Assessment and SEARs
MPW S2 EIS Appendix N Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
MPW S2 Stormwater Drainage Proposed Catchment Plan_Part 1
MPW S2 EIS Appendix Q Biodiversity Assessment Report
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Stormwater Drainage Proposed Catchment Plan Part 2
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Civil Designs Part 2
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Urban Drainage Proposed Drains Output Part 4
MPW S2 EIS Appendix S Site Contamination Summary Report
MPW S2 EIS Appendix S Geotechnical Interpretive Report Part 3
MPW S2 EIS Appendix S Geotechnical Interpretive Plan
MPW S2 EIS Appendix U Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment
MPW S2 EIS Appendix W Bushfire Protection Assessment
MPW S2 EIS Noise and Vibration Assessment
MPW S2 EIS Appendix P Health Risk Assessment
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Stormwater Drainage Existing Catchment Plan Part 3
MPW S2 EIS Appendix S Geotechnical Interpretive Report Part 1
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Civil Design Plans Part 1
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Indicative Conduit Design Part 5
MPW S2 EIS Appendix V Non-Indigenous Heritage Impact Assessment
MPW S2 EIS Appendix R Stormwater and Flooding Environmental Assessment Part 1
MPW S2 EIS Appendix S Geotechnical Interpretive Report Part 2
MPE S1 EIS Appendix B Quantity Surveyors Report
MPE S1 EIS Appendix C Survey Plan
MPE S1 EIS Appendix D Architectural Drawings
MPE S1 EIS Appendix E Landscape Design Statement and Plans
MPE S1 EIS Appendix F Rail Access Rail Report and Rail Engineering Drawings
MPE S1 EIS Appendix G Waterway Road Crossing Design Drawings
MPE S1 EIS Appendix H Utilities Strategy Report
MPE S1 EIS Appendix I Preliminary Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPE S1 EIS Appendix J Preliminary Construction Works
MPE S1 EIS Appendix K Community and Stakeholder Consultation Outcomes Report
MPE S1 EIS Appendix L Traffic and Accessibility Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix M Air Quality Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix N Noise Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix O Health Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix P Stormwater and Flooding Environmental Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix Q Geotechnical Interpretive Report
MPE S1 EIS Appendix R Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation Action Plan
MPE S1 EIS Appendix S Biodiversity Assessment Report
MPE S1 EIS Appendix T Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix U Non Indigenous Heritage Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix V Visual Impact Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix W Bushfire Protection Assessment
MPE S1 EIS Appendix X Greenhouse Gas Climate Change Impact Assessment
MPE S1 00 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
MPE Concept Plan 31 Appendix P Flood Study Stormwater Management Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 32 Appendix P Flood Study Stormwater Management Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 33 Appendix P Flood Study Stormwater Management Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 34 Appendix P Flood Study Stormwater Management Part 4
MPE Concept Plan 35 Appendix P Flood Study Stormwater Management Part 5
MPE Concept Plan 36 Appendix P Flood Study Stormwater Management Part 6
MPE Concept Plan 39 Appendix S Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 40 Appendix S Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 41 Appendix S Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 42 Appendix S Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Part 4
MPE Concept Plan 43 Appendix T Non Indigenous Heritage Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 51 Appendix W Screening Level Health Risk Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 56 Appendix BB Consultation Outcomes Report Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 57 Appendix BB Consultation Outcomes Report Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 58 Appendix BB Consultation Outcomes Report Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 10 Appendix D4 Staging Layout
MPE Concept Plan 11 Appendix E Urban Design and Landscape Report Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 12 Appendix E Urban Design and Landscape Report Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 13 Appendix E Urban Design and Landscape Report Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 14 Appendix E Urban Design and Landscape Report Part 4
MPE Concept Plan 15 Appendix F1 Transport and Accessibility Impact Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 16 Appendix F2 Transport and Accessibility Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 17 Appendix F2 Transport and Accessibility Impact Assessment Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 18 Appendix F2 Transport and Accessibility Impact Assessment Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 19 Appendix F2 Transport and Accessibility Impact Assessment Part 4
MPE Concept Plan 20 Appendix G Freight Demand Modelling
MPE Concept Plan 21 Appendix H Rail Access Report
MPE Concept Plan 22 Appendix I Noise Impact Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 23 Appendix J1 Flora Fauna Assessment Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 24 Appendix J1 Flora Fauna Assessment Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 24a Appendix J1 Flora Fauna Assessment Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 25 Appendix J2 Biodiversity Offset Strategy
MPE Concept Plan 26 Appendix K Riparian Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 27 Appendix L Hazards Risks Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 28 Appendix M ESA SIMTA Rail Corridor
MPE Concept Plan 29 Appendix N Phase1 ESA Rail Corridor
MPE Concept Plan 37 Appendix Q Air Quality Impact Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 38 Appendix R Greenhouse Gas Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 44 Appendix U Visual Impact Report Part 1
MPE Concept Plan 45 Appendix U Visual Impact Report Part 2
MPE Concept Plan 46 Appendix U Visual Impact Report Part 3
MPE Concept Plan 47 Appendix U Visual Impact Report Part 4
MPE Concept Plan 48 Appendix U Visual Impact Report Part 5
MPE Concept Plan 49 Appendix U Visual Impact Report Part 6
MPE Concept Plan 50 Appendix V Utilities Report
MPE Concept Plan 52 Appendix X Economic Impact Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 53 Appendix Y Climate Change Risk Assessment
MPE Concept Plan 54 Appendix Z Waste Management Strategy
MPE Concept Plan 55 Appendix AA Environmental Risk Analysis
MPE Concept Plan 59 Appendix CC Social Impact Commentary
MPE Concept Plan 01 Main EA Part 1 of 3
MPE Concept Plan 02 Main EA Part 2 of 3
MPE Concept Plan 03 Main EA Part 3 of 3
MPE Concept Plan 04 Appendix A SIMTA QS Certificate
MPE Concept Plan 05 Appendix B DGRs
MPE Concept Plan 06 Appendix C Liverpool DCP 2008 Compliance Table
MPE Concept Plan 07 Appendix D1 Concept Plan Land Uses
MPE Concept Plan 08 Appendix D2 Rail Corridor and Indicative Rail Link
MPE Concept Plan 09 Appendix D3 Rail Corridor
MPE S1 EIS Appendix A SEARS Compliance Table
MPW S1 011 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 9 Project sustainability
MPW S1 001 Moorebank IMT Project Declaration
MPW S1 002 Moorebank IMT Project EIS Summary1
MPW S1 003 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 1 Introduction
MPW S1 004 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 2 Site context environmental values
MPW S1 005 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 3 Strategic context and need for the Project
MPW S1 006 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 4 Planning and statutory requirements
MPW S1 007 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 5 Stakeholder and community consultation
MPW S1 009 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 7 Project built form and operations
MPW S1 010 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 8 Project development and construction
MPW S1 008 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 6 Project development phasing and alternatives
MPW S1 012 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 10 Impact assessment approach
MPW S1 013 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 11 Traffic, transport and access
MPW S1 014 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 12 Noise and vibration
MPW S1 016 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 14 Hazard and risks
MPW S1 017 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 15 Contamination and soils
MPW S1 018 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 16 Hydrology
MPW S1 019 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 17 Local air quality
MPW S1 020 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 18 Regional air quality
MPW S1 015 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 13 Biodiversity
MPW S1 021 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 19 Greenhouse gas assessment
MPW S1 022 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 20 Aboriginal heritage
MPW S1 023 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 21 European heritage
MPW S1 024 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 22 Visual and urban design
MPW S1 025 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 23 Property and infrastructure
MPW S1 026 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 24 Social and economic impacts
MPW S1 027 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 25 Human health risks and impacts
MPW S1 028 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 26 Waste and resource management
MPW S1 029 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 27 Cumulative impacts
MPW S1 030 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 28 Environmental management framework
MPW S1 031 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 29 Environmental risk analysis
MPW S1 032 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 30 Project justification and conclusion
MPW S1 033 Moorebank IMT Project Chapter 31 References
MPW S1 034 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App A
MPW S1 035 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App B
MPW S1 036 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App C
MPW S1 037 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App D
MPW S1 038 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App E
MPW S1 039 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App F
MPW S1 040 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App G
MPW S1 041 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App H (Part A)
MPW S1 042 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App H (Part B)
MPW S1 043 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App I
MPW S1 044 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App J
MPW S1 045 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project App K
MPW S1 046 Technical Paper 1 Traffic transport and access (Part A)
MPW S1 047 Technical Paper 1 Traffic transport and access (Part B)
MPW S1 048 Technical Paper 1 Traffic transport and access (Part C)
MPW S1 049 Technical Paper 2 Noise and vibration (Part A)
MPW S1 050 Technical Paper 2 Noise and vibration (Part B)
MPW S1 051 Technical Paper 3 Ecological Impact Assessment
MPW S1 052 Technical Paper 4 Preliminary Risk Assessment
MPW S1 053 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part A)
MPW S1 054 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part B)
MPW S1 055 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part C)
MPW S1 056 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part D)
MPW S1 057 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part E)
MPW S1 058 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part F)
MPW S1 059 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part G)
MPW S1 060 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part H)
MPW S1 061 Technical Paper 5 Environmental Site Assessment (Part I)
MPW S1 062 Technical Paper 6 Surface Water Assessment (Part A)
MPW S1 063 Technical Paper 6 Surface Water Assessment (Part B)
MPW S1 064 Technical Paper 7 Local Air Quality Impact Assessment (Part A)
MPW S1 065 Technical Paper 7 Local Air Quality Impact Assessment (Part B)
MPW S1 066 Technical Paper 7 Local Air Quality Impact Assessment (Part C)
MPW S1 067 Technical Paper 7 Local Air Quality Impact Assessment (Part D)
MPW S1 068 Technical Paper 7 Local Air Quality Impact Assessment (Part E)
MPW S1 069 Technical Paper 7 Local Air Quality Impact Assessment (Part F)
MPW S1 070 Technical Paper 8 Regional Air Quality Impact Assessment
MPW S1 071 Technical Paper 9 Greenhouse Gas Assessment
MPW S1 072 Technical Paper 10 Aboriginal Heritage A
MPW S1 073 Technical Paper 10 Aboriginal Heritage Assessment (Part A)
MPW S1 074 Technical Paper 10 Aboriginal Heritage Assessment (Part B)
MPW S1 075 Technical Paper 10 Aboriginal Heritage Assessment (Part C)
MPW S1 076 Technical Paper 11 European Heritage Impact Assessment (Part A)
MPW S1 077 Technical Paper 11 European Heritage Impact Assessment (Part B)
MPW S1 078 Technical Paper 11 European Heritage Impact Assessment (Part C)
MPW S1 079 Technical Paper 11 European Heritage Impact Assessment (Part D)
MPW S1 080 Technical Paper 11 European Heritage Impact Assessment (Part E)
MPW S1 081 Technical Paper 11 European Heritage Impact Assessment (Part F)
MPW S1 082 Technical Paper 12 Visual Impact Assessment
MPW S1 083 Technical Paper 13 Light Spill Impact Assessment
MPW S1 084 Technical Paper 14 Social Impact Assessment
MPW S1 085 Technical Paper 15 Human Health Risk Assessment
MPW S1 086 Technical Paper 16 Health Impact Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix I Plan of Subdivision
MPE S2 EIS Appendix J Community and Stakeholder Outcomes Report
MPE S2 EIS Appendix Ka Construction Traffic Impact Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix Kb Operational Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix Kc Preliminary Construction Traffic Management Plan
MPE S2 EIS Appendix Kd Preliminary Operational Traffic Management Plan
MPE S2 EIS Appendix L Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix M Air Quality Impact Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix N Human Health Risk Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix O Biodiversity Assessment Report
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 1 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 2 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 3 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 4 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 5 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 6 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Civil Drawings Part 7 of 7
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Stormwater and Flooding Assessment Part 1 of 3
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Stormwater and Flooding Assessment Part 2 of 3
MPE S2 EIS Appendix P Stormwater and Flooding Assessment Part 3 of 3
MPE S2 EIS Appendix Q Contamination Summary Report
MPE S2 EIS Appendix Q Geotechnical Interpretive Report
MPE S2 EIS Appendix R Visual Impact Assessment and Light Spill Study Part 1 of 4
MPE S2 EIS Appendix R Visual Impact Assessment and Light Spill Study Part 2 of 4
MPE S2 EIS Appendix R Visual Impact Assessment and Light Spill Study Part 3 of 4
MPE S2 EIS Appendix R Visual Impact Assessment and Light Spill Study Part 4 of 4
MPE S2 EIS Appendix S Aboriginal Heritage Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix T Non Indigenous Heritage Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix U Bushfire Assessment
MPE S2 EIS Appendix V Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change Impact Assessment
MPE S2 00 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Part 1 of 3
MPE S2 00 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Part 2 of 3
MPE S2 00 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Part 3 of 3
MPE S2 EIS Appendix A SEARs CoA and SoC compliance
MPE S2 EIS Appendix B Quantity Surveyors Report
MPE S2 EIS Appendix C Survey Plan
MPE S2 EIS Appendix D Architectural Drawings Part 1 of 5
MPE S2 EIS Appendix D Architectural Drawings Part 2 of 5
MPE S2 EIS Appendix D Architectural Drawings Part 3 of 5
MPE S2 EIS Appendix D Architectural Drawings Part 4 of 5
MPE S2 EIS Appendix D Architectural Drawings Part 5 of 5
MPE S2 EIS Appendix E Landscape Design Statement and Plans
MPE S2 EIS Appendix F Utilities Strategy Report Part 2 of 3
MPE S2 EIS Appendix F Utilities Strategy Report Part 3 of 3
MPE S2 EIS Appendix G Preliminary Construction Environmental Management Plan 1
MPE S2 EIS Appendix H Preliminary Construction Works Drawing 1
MPE S2 EIS Appendix F Utilities Strategy Report Part 1 of 3
MPW S3 EIS Appendix D SSD 10431 SEARs DPIE 2020
MPW S3 EIS Appendix F Clause 4.6 Variation Request
MPW S3 EIS Appendix G Traffic Assessment
MPW S3 EIS Appendix I Air Quality Report
MPW S3 EIS Appendix J Biodiversity Report
MPW S3 EIS Appendix K Civil Works Soil and Water
MPW S3 EIS Appendix L JBSG 2020 Contamination Report
MPW S3 EIS Appendix M Aboriginal Heritage Report
MPW S3 EIS Appendix N Non Aboriginal Heritage Report
MPW S3 EIS Appendix O Visual Impact Assessment
MPW S3 EIS Appendix P Bushfire Report
MPW S3 EIS Appendix A SSD 5066 Conditions of Approval
MPW S3 EIS Appendix B Draft Section 88B Instrument
MPW S3 EIS Appendix C Draft Subdivision and Layout Plan
MAR EIS Volume 1
MAR EIS Volume 2 Part 1
MAR EIS Volume 2 Part 2
MAR EIS Volume 2 Part 3
MPE S2 RtS Cumulative Construction and Operation Program
MPE S2 RtS DCP Compliance Table
MPE S2 RtS Consolidated Proposal Description
MPE S2 RtS Pre-Construction Environmental Works Method Statement
MPE S2 RtS Stockpile Management Protocol
MPE S2 RtS Supplementary Visual Response to Submissions Information
MPE S2 RtS Stormwater and Flooding Assessment Appendix C
MPE S2 RtS TUFLOW Modelling Figures
MPE S2 RtS Revised Civil and Drainage Drawings Part 2
MPE S2 RtS Revised Civil and Drainage Design Drawings Part 1
MPE S2 RtS Noise Contours
MPE S2 RtS Intersection Traffic Movements and M5 Sensitivity Test
MPE S2 RtS Revised Landscape Design Statement and Plans
MPE S2 RtS Revised Architectural Drawings Part 6
MPE S2 RtS Revised Architectural Drawings Part 5
MPE S2 RtS Revised Architectural Drawings Part 4
MPE S2 RtS Revised Architectural Drawings Part 3
MPE S2 RtS Revised Architectural Drawings Part 2
MPE S2 RtS Revised Architectural Drawings Part 1
MPE S2 RtS Community Response Table
MPE S2 RtS Report
MPE S2 RtS Submissions 154-199
MPE S2 RtS Submissions 1-153
MPE S2 RtS EIS Submissions List
MPE S1 RtS Appendix A Community Response Reference Table
MPE S1 RtS Appendix B Architectural Supplementary Material and Rail Access Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix C Moorebank Avenue Overbridge Design Drawings
MPE S1 RtS Appendix D Utilities Strategy Enabling Works Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix E Stormwater Flooding Supplementary Material Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix G Air Quality Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix H Noise Vibration Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix I Phase 2 Environmental Assessment and RAP Addendums
MPE S1 RtS Appendix K Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix L Non Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix M Visual Impact Addendum
MPE S1 RtS Appendix N Human Health Addendum
MPE S1 Intermodal Terminal Response to Submissions
MPE S1 RtS Appendix J Biodiversity Assessment Report
MPW S1 RtS Appendix A Index of Submissions
MPW S1 RtS Appendix B Responses to Council submissions
MPW S1 RtS Appendix C Biodiversity Offset Strategy
MPW S1 RtS Appendix D Landscape Visual Impact
MPW S1 RtS Appendix E Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment
MPW S1 RtS Appendix F Noise and Vibration assessment
MPW S1 RtS Appendix G AQIA
MPW S1 RtS Appendix H HIA and HHRA
MPW S1 RtS Appendix I Aboriginal Heritage Scar Tree
MPW S1 RtS Appendix J Aboriginal Heritage Additional
MPW S1 MIT EIS Full Version May 2015
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_ARTC Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Campbelltown Council Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Dept Defence Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Bankstown Council Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Dept Finance and Deregulation Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Dept of Primary Industries Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Heritage Council Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_Liverpool Council Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_OEH Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_TfNSW Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Appendix B_Public Submissions Response
MPE Concept Plan Appendix C Flooding Maps and Data
MPE Concept Plan Appendix D_AHIMS Extensive Search Report
MPE Concept Plan Appendix E_Noise Contours_Stage 1_NoWarehousing
MPE Concept Plan Appendix A_EPA Agency Response to Submissions
MPE Concept Plan Submissions Report
MPW S1 RtS Appendix K Archival Recordings
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C Consolidated Traffic Table
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C M5 Operational Sensitivity Analysis
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C Operational Traffic Impact Assessment
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C Revised Construction Traffic Assessment (1)
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C Revised Construction Traffic Assessment (2)
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C Revised Construction Traffic Assessment (3)
MPW S2 RtS Appendix C Revised Construction Traffic
MPW S2 RtS Appendix D Construction Noise Modelling
MPW S2 RtS Appendix D Noise Vibration Impact
MPW S2 RtS Appendix D Noise Vibration Technical
MPW S2 RtS Appendix E Air Quality Impact Assessment
MPW S2 RtS Appendix F Health Risk Assessment
MPW S2 RtS Appendix G Updated Biodiversity Assessment
MPW S2 RtS Appendix H Stormwater Drainage Design Drawings
MPW S2 RtS Appendix H Stormwater and Flooding Part 1
MPW S2 RtS Appendix H Stormwater and Flooding Part 2
MPW S2 RtS Appendix H Stormwater and Flooding Part 3
MPW S2 RtS Appendix H Stormwater and Flooding Part 4
MPW S2 RtS Appendix H Stormwater and Flooding
MPW S2 RtS Appendix I Visual Impact Assessment
MPW S2 RtS Appendix J Heritage Impact Assessment
MPW S2 RtS Appendix K Best Practice Review
MPW S2 RtS Appendix L Stockpile Management Protocol
MPW S2 RtS Appendix M Environmental Work Method Statement
MPW S2 RtS Appendix N DCP Compliance Table
MPW S2 RtS Appendix O Consolidated Proposal Description
MPW S2 RtS Appendix P Cumulative Program
MPW S2 RtS Response to Transport for NSW Submission
MPW S2 RtS Appendix A Community Response Table
MPW S2 RtS Appendix B Architectural Drawings Part 1
MPW S2 RtS Appendix B Architectural Drawings Part 2
MPW S2 RtS Appendix B Architectural Drawings Part 3
MPW S2 RtS Appendix B Architectural Drawings Part 4
MPW S2 RtS Appendix B Architectural Drawings
MPW S2 RtS Appendix B Landscape Design Statement
MPW S3 RtS Appendix E Traffic Part 1
MPW S3 RtS Appendix E Traffic Part 2
MPW S3 RtS Appendix F Noise and Vibration
MPW S3 RtS Appendix G Soil and Water Management
MPW S3 RtS Appendix H Bush Fire
MPW S3 RtS Appendix H RFS correspondence 200721
MPW S3 RtS Appendix I CCC Meeting notes 200511
MPW S3 RtS Appendix J Submissions Part 1
MPW S3 RtS Appendix J Submissions Part 2
MPW S3 RtS Appendix J Submissions Part 3
MPW S1 RtS 04 Supplementary Report Chapter 2
MPW S1 RtS 05 Supplementary Report Chapter 3
MPW S1 RtS 06 Supplementary Report Chapter 4
MPW S1 RtS 07 Supplementary Report Chapter 5
MPW S1 RtS 09 Supplementary Report Chapter 7
MPW S1 RtS 10 Supplementary Report Chapter 8
MPW S1 RtS 11 Supplementary Report Chapter 9
MPW S1 RtS 01 Supplementary Report Executive Summary
MPW S1 RtS 02 Supplementary Report Front Cover TOC
MPW S1 RtS 08 Supplementary Report Chapter 6
MPW S1 RtS 03 Supplementary Report Chapter 1
MPW S1 RtS Supplementary Report Appendix A
MPW S1 RtS Supplementary Report Appendix B
MPE S1 Secretarys Assessment Report
MPE S1 Recommended Conditions
MPE S2 Consent Determination Report
MPE S2 Consent Subdivision Instrument
MPE S1 Court Decision Consent
MPW EPBC Commonwealth Determination
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Determination Signed notice
MPE Concept Plan Final Determination Report
MPE Concept Plan Final Instrument
MPE Concept Plan Revised Statement of Commitments
MPE Concept Plan Review of 2012-2013 Public Exhibitions Submissions (Part 1)
MPE Concept Plan Review of 2012-2013 Public Exhibition Submissions (Part 2)
MPE Concept Plan SuppIementary Information Contamination
MPE Concept Plan Supplementary Information Heritage
MPE Concept Plan Draft Instrument
MPE Concept Plan SIMTA Report 1
MPW S1 Planning Assessment Commission Determination Report
MPW S1 Planning Assessment Commission Fact Sheet
MPW Concept and S1 Development Consent
MPW S1 Appendix E Recommended Conditions of Approval
MPW S1 Secretary's Environmental Assessment Report
MPW S1 Appendix D Independent Traffic Review 1
MPE S1 Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Development Consent
MPE S1 PAC Determination Report
MPW EPBC Commonwealth Determination - Variation to Approval Conditions
MPW S2 Recommendation Report Appendix A Traffic
MPW S2 Recommendation Report Appendix A WSUD Review
MPW S2 Recommendation Report Appendix E Secretary's Certificate
MPW S2 Recommendation Report Conditions
MPW S2 Recommendation Report
MPW S2 Recommendation Report Appendix A Air Quality Review
MPW S2 Recommendation Report Appendix A Noise Review
MPW S2 IPC Statement of Reasons for Decision.
MPW S3 Development Consent
MPW S3 IPC Statement of Reasons Report
MPW S3 DPIE Assessment Report to IPC
MAR Instrument of Approval SSI 10053
MPE S2 Consent Consolidated Instrument
MPW S2 Development Consent
MPE S2 Consolidated Consent Instrument
MPW S2 MOD 3 - Increase to Dangerous Goods Volumes
MPE-S2 MOD 6- Dangerous Goods Storage- Instrument of Modification
MPE S2 Consolidated Consent Instrument
MPE S2 - MOD 5 - Road Upgrades
MPE S2 MOD 2 - Boundary Adjustment - Instrument of Modification
MPE S2 MOD 2 - Boundary Adjustment - Consolidated Consent
MPW S2 IPC Notice of Modification SSD 7628
MPW S3 Notice of Modification SSD 7628
MPE S2 MOD 3 - Subdivision - Instrument of Modification
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - RtS Appendix D Statement of Development Standard Exception
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix A QS Certification
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix B Modification Construction Traffic Impact Assessment
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix C Modification Geotechnical and Contamination Memo
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix D Stormwater Assessment
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix E Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix F Assessment of Air Quality Impacts
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix G Biodiversity Impact Assessment
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix H Aboriginal Heritage Memorandum
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Appendix I Non Aboriginal Heritage Memorandum
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - 00 Assessment Report
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - RtS Report
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - RtS Appendix A Community Response Table
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - RtS Appendix B Stormwater and Flooding Technical Note
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - RtS Appendix C Visual Impact Assessment
MPE Concept Plan MOD 1 Approval
MPE Concept Plan MOD 1 Revised Statement of Commitments
MPE Concept Plan MOD 1 Development Consent
MPE Concept Plan MOD 1 Determination Letter
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Appendix C Noise and Vibration Assessment
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Appendix D Biodiversity Memorandum
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Appendix E Air Quality Assessment
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Appendix F Heritage Memorandum
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Environmental Assessment
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Appendix A Revised Statement of Commitments
MPE Concept Plan MOD 2 Appendix B Traffic Memorandum
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Applications Submitters List
MPE S2 MOD 2 - Boundary Adjustment - Assessment Report
MPE S2 MOD 2 - Boundary Adjustment - Response to Submissions
MPE S2 MOD 2 - Boundary Adjustment - SSD Instrument of Modification
MPE S2 MOD 2 - Boundary Adjustment - Assessment Report
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Modifying Instrument FINAL
MPW S1 MOD 1 - Concept Proposal Changes - Statement of Reasons
MPW S2 MOD 1 - Building Height Increase - 03 Instrument of Modification
MPW S2 MOD 1 - Building Height Increase - 00 Assessment Report
MPW S2 MOD 1 - Building Height Increase - 01 Response to Submissions
MPE S2 MOD 3 - Subdivision - Assessment Report
MPE S2 MOD 3 - Subdivision - Response to Submissions Report
MPE S2 MOD 3 - Subdivision - Instrument of Modification
MPE S2 MOD 4 - Adjustment to B140 (e)(vi) - Assessment Report
MPE S2 MOD 4 - Adjustment to B140 (e)(vi) - Instrument of Modification
MPW S2 IPC Notice of Modification SSD 7709
MPW S2 Notice of Modification SSD7709
MPW S2 MOD 2 - Adjustment to Construction Related Conditions - 03 Instrument of Modification
MPW S2 MOD 2 - Adjustment to Construction Related Conditions - 00 Assessment Report
MPW S2 MOD 2 - Adjustment to Construction Related Conditions - 01 Response to Submissions
MPE S2 MOD 1 Road Upgrades - Instrument of Modification
MPE S2 MOD 1 Road Upgrades - Assessment Report
Post Approval Documents
EPL 21054 June 2022- June 2023 Monitoring Results
EPL 21054 June 2023- June 2024 Monitoring Results
Environment Protection License (Construction)
Rail Operations Noise Monitoring
EPL21054 June 2021 – March 2022 Monitoring Results Rev2
EPL21054 March 2022 – June 2022 Monitoring Results Rev2
EPL21054 June 2020 – June 2021 Monitoring Results Rev1
MPE S1 RALP Environmental Protection License
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Environment Protection Licence (Operations)
MPW S2 WTP Revision 8 Approval Letter
MPW South Out of Hours Work Protocol - Addendum
MPW South Construction Emergency Response Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Soil and Water Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Environmental Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan- Addendum
MPW South Community Communication Strategy- Addendum
Australian Industry Participation
MPW S2-3 Construction Emergency Response Plan
MAR SSI-10053 Construction Waste and Resource Management Plan (March 2023)
MAR SSI-10053 Construction Soil and Water Management Plan (August 2023)
MAR Construction Traffic & Transport Management Plan
MPW S2-3 Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan
MAR Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MAR Construction Heritage Management Plan
MAR Construction Biodiversity Management Plan
MPE S1 RALP Construction Soil and Water Management Plan
MPE S1 RALP Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan (Part 2 of 2)
MPE S1 RALP Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan (Part 1 of 2)
MPW PFAS Management Plan (Part 4 of 4)
MPW PFAS Management Plan (Part 3 of 4)
MPW PFAS Management Plan (Part 2 of 4)
MPW PFAS Management Plan (Part 1 of 4)
MPW S2 Construction Air Quality Management Plan
MPE S2 Bushfire Emergency and Evacuation Plan
MPE S1 Heritage Interpretation Strategy
MAR Community Consultation Strategy
MAR Construction Air Quality Management Plan
MAR Construction Bushfire Management Plan
MAR Construction Contamination Management Plan
MAR Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPW S3 Fill Importation Management Plan
MPW S2 Bushfire Risk Management Plan
MPW S2 Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan
MPW S1 Community Communication Strategy
MPE S2 Document Delivery Strategy
MPE S2 Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Heritage Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan
MPE S2 Flood Emergency Response Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Air Quality Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Soil and Water Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPE S1 RALP Construction Heritage Management Plan
MPE S1 RALP Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan
MPE S1 Construction Air Quality Management Plan
MPE S1 RALP Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPE S1 RALP Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Greenhouse Gas Management Plan
MPE S1-S2 Construction Community Communication Strategy
MPW S2-3 Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPW S1 Early Works PFAS Management Plan
Non-Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Salvage Strategy
MPE S1 RALP Aboriginal Archaeological Salvage Strategy
MPE S1 IMEX Contamination Management Plan
MPW S1 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Salvage Strategy
MPW S1 Construction Soil and Water Management Plan
MPE S2 Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategy
MPE S1 RALP Community Communication Strategy
MPW S2 Koala Management Plan
MPW S2 Acid Sulfate Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Bushfire Management Plan
MPE S2 Stormwater Management Plan - Balance of Site
MPW S2 Contamination Management Plan
MPW S1 Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan
MPW S1 Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPW S1 Construction Air Quality Management Plan
MPW S1 Construction Heritage Management Plan
MPW S1 Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MPW S1 Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan
MPW S2 Long Term Environmental Management Plan
MPE S2 Construction Spoil Management Plan
MPE S2 Stormwater Management Plan - Warehouse 1 Precinct
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Heritage Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Traffic and Access Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Air Quality Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Flood Emergency Response Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Waste and Resources Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Bushfire Management Strategy
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Soil and Water Management Plan
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Flora and Fauna Management Plan
MPE S2 Contamination Management Plan - Moorebank Avenue Upgrade
MPE S2 Stormwater Management Plan - Interim and Ultimate OSD 9-10
MPW S2-3 Community Communication Strategy
MPW S2-3 Construction Emergency Response Plan
MPW S1 Construction Heritage Management Plan
MPW EPBC Biodiversity Offset Strategy and Management Plan
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan - Cycling and Pedestrian Access and Facilities Sub Plan
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan - Employee Outdoor Meal Break Area Sub Plan
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan - Landscape Vegetation Management Sub Plan
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan - Lighting Sub Plan
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan - Signage Sub Plan
MPW S2-3 Construction Soil and Water Management Plan
MPW S2-3 Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MPE S2 Contamination Management Plan
MAR Letter to Secretary (Conditions A19, A6 and C8)
MPE S1 IMEX Construction Environmental Management Plan
MPE S1 Construction Compliance Report No.11 (December 22 - December 2023)
MPW 1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No. 13
MPW 1 Construction Compliance Report No. 11 (Sept 2022 - Feb 2023)
MPW 1 Construction Compliance Report No. 12 (Mar - August 2023)
MPW S2 Pre Operational Compliance Report
MPE Stage 2 Compliance Tracking Program
MPW S2 Summary of Monitoring Results 2023
MPE S2 Six Monthly Operations Compliance Report No. 7 (Jun 2023 - Oct 2023)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.07 (Nov 2023)
MPE 2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No. 14 (Oct-Mar 2023)
MPE S2 Annual Environmental Review No.05 (2022)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2022-2023)
MPW S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.05 Dec-May 2023
MPW EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2022-2023)
MPE S2 Six Monthly Operations Compliance Report No.06 (Nov 2022 - May 2023)
EPL21054 June 2022- June 2023 Monitoring Results
MPE S1 Construction Compliance Report No.10 (Dec 21 - Dec 22)
MPE S1 Best Practice Progress Review - Air Quality (2023)
MPE S1 Best Practice Progress Review - Air Quality (2021)
MPE S1 Best Practice Progress Review - Air Quality (2022)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.06 (May 2023)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.01 (Nov 2020)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.02 (May 2021)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.03 (Nov 2021)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.04 (May 2022)
MPE S2 Biannual Trip Origin Destination Report No.05 (Nov 2022)
MPW S2 S3 Summary of Monitoring Results 2022
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.03 (March-August 2018) (Part 2 of 2)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.03 (March-August 2018) (Part 1 of 2)
MPE S2 Baseline Aquatic Ecological Monitoring
MPE S2 Summary of Excavation Results
MPE S2 Noise Monitoring Report (February 2018)
Rail Operations Noise Monitoring
EPL21054 June 2021 – March 2022 Monitoring Results Rev2
EPL21054 March 2022 – June 2022 Monitoring Results Rev2
EPL21054 June 2020 – June 2021 Monitoring Results Rev1
MPW S2 Pre-Construction Compliance Report
MPW S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.04 (June-November 2022)
MPW S1 Biodiversity Offset Package
MPW S1 Threatened Dragonfly Species Survey Plan Report
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.04 (Sept-Feb 2019)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.02 (Sept-Feb 2018)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.01 (Feb-Aug 2017)
MPW S1 Pre-Construction Compliance Report
MPE S2 Pre-Construction Compliance Report
MPE S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.13 (Apr-Sept 2022)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.03 (Jan-Mar 2019)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.01 (Jul-Sept 2018)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.02 (Oct-Dec 2018)
MPE S1 RALP Glenfield Waste Services Pre-Construction Compliance Report
MPE S1 RALP Cumberland Ecology Preclearance Survey Report
MPE S1 RALP Pre-Construction Compliance Report
MPE S1 RALP Compliance Tracking Program
MPE S1 Securing Biodiversity Offset Land
MPE S1 RALP Independent Audit Review No.3 (Dec 2018)
MPE S1 Road Deflection Testing
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.03 (Jul-Dec 2018)
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.02 (Dec-Jun 2018)
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.01 (Jun-Dec 2017)
MPE S1 IMEX Pre-Construction Compliance Report
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.05 (Jul-Dec 2019)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2020-2021)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2018-2019)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2017-2018)
MPW S1 Options for Mitigation Report
MPE S1 Road Deflection Testing (C18)
MPE S1 RALP 1 Best Practice Review (C18)
MPE S1 Road Safety Audit -Cambridge and Moorebank Avenues
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.04 (Jan-Jun 2019)
MPE S1 Review of Operational Sleep Disturbance Impacts (E25)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.04 (Apr-Jun 2019)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.05 (Jul-Sept 2019)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.06 (Oct-Dec 2019)
MPW S2 Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Program
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.06 (Sep 2019-Feb 2020)
MPE S2 Pre Operations Compliance Report - Area 1
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.07 (Jan-Mar 2020)
MPE S2 Annual Environmental Review No.02 (2019)
MPE S2 Annual Environmental Review No.01 (2018)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2019-2020)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.07 (Mar-Aug 2020)
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.06 (Jan-Jun 2020)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.08 (Apr-Jun 2020)
MPE S2 Quarterly Construction Compliance Report No.09 (Jul-Sept 2020)
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.07 (Jul-Dec 2020)
MPE S2 Annual Environmental Review No.03 (2020)
MPE S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.10 (Oct-Mar 2021)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.07 (Sept 2020-Feb 2021)
MPE S2 Pre Operations Compliance Report - Area 2
EPL21054 2020-2021 Monitoring Results Rev2
MPW S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.01 (Dec-May 2021)
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.08 (Jan-Jun 2021)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.08 (Mar-Aug 2021)
MPE S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.11 (Apr-Sep 2021)
MPE S2 Six Monthly Operations Compliance Report No.03 (May-Nov 2021)
MPW S1 Compliance Tracking Program
MPE S2 Compliance Tracking Program
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.09 (Sep 2021-Feb 2022)
MPW S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.02 (June-Nov 2021)
MPE S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.09 (Jul-Dec 2021)
MPE S2 Annual Environmental Review No.04 (2021)
MPE S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.12 (Oct-Mar 2022)
MPW S2 Summary of Monitoring Results 2020
MPW S2-3 Summary of Monitoring Results 2021
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2021-2022)
EPL21054 June 2022 Monitoring Report
MPW EPBC Commonwealth Compliance Report (2021-2022)
MPW S1 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.10 (Mar-Aug 2022)
MPW S2 Six Monthly Construction Compliance Report No.03 (Dec-May 2022)
MPE S1 IMEX Compliance Tracking Program
MPE S2 Six Monthly Operations Compliance Report No.05 (May-Nov 2022)
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 2 – Area 2 - Part 2
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 2 – Area 2 - Part 1
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 3 – Area 3
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 5 – Area 5
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 1 – Area 1
MPW S3 FIMP Rev 2 Approval Letter
MPW S2 OFFMP Revision 7 Approval Letter
MPW S2 SDDR Addendum Revision B Approval Letter
MAAI Phase 2A Road Safety Audit Approval Letter
N1 Tenancy Activities Statement of Compliance Approval Letter
N2 Tenancy Activities Statement of Compliance Approval Letter
N2 Tenancy Activities Compliance Statement
N1 Tenancy Activities Compliance Statement
MPW S2 OEMP Rev 7 Approval Letter
MPW 2 Operational Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Program Approval Letter
MPW S2 OERP Revision 7 Approval Letter
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 0E- Visual Impact Assessment
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 0D- Environmental Constraints Maps
MPE S2 Urban Design and Landscape Plan Appendix 0C- Typical Figures and Site Plans
MPW S2 Addendum to the Stormwater Design Development Report
MPW Stage 2 B2 Plan (Part 2)
MPW Stage 2 B2 Plan (Part 1)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 10 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 9 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 8 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 7 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 6 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 5 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 4 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 3 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 2 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-4 Roundabout and Roadways (Part 1 of 10)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-3 Cambridge Avenue (Part 5 of 5)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-3 Cambridge Avenue (Part 4 of 5)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-3 Cambridge Avenue (Part 3 of 5)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-3 Cambridge Avenue (Part 2 of 5)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-3 Cambridge Avenue (Part 1 of 5)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 8 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 7 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 6 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 5 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 4 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 3 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 2 of 8)
MPE S1 Dilapidation Report 6144-1 Moorebank Avenue (Part 1 of 8)
MPE S1 RALP Glenfield Waste Services Construction Impact Assessment Report
MPW S2 Urban Design Development Report (Part 2 of 2)
MPW S2 Urban Design Development Report (Part 1 of 2)
MPE S1 Georges River Bridge Design
Dilapidation Report - Roads, Footpaths and Kerbs, Moorebank Avenue
Dilapidation Report - Cambridge Avenue and Causeway
MPE S1 Best Practice Wagon Report (G6b)
MPW S2 Stormwater Development Design Report
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (G)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (F)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (E)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (F)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (D)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (B)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (C)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (G) Spreadsheet
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (H)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (N)
MPW S2 Revised Development Layout Drawings (L)
MPW S2 Acoustic Certification WH6 (B138)
MPW S2 Acoustic Certification WH5 (B138)
MPW S1 Independent Audit Report No.06 (June 2024)
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.04- Applicant Response
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.04
MAAI Phase 2A Post-Opening Road Safety Audit Report
Site Access Moorebank Intermodal West Precinct Road Safety Audit Report
MAAI Stage 1A Post-Opening Road Safety Audit Report
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No 5- Applicant Response (April 2024).
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No 5 (April 2024).
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.08
MPW- S3 Independent Audit Report No 3- Applicant Response (September 2023)
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No 4 (September 2023)
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.07
MPW-S3 Independent Audit Report No.03 - Applicant Response (March 2023)
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.03
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.03 - Applicant Response
MPW-S3 Independent Audit Report No.03 (March 2023)
MPW S3 Fill Importation Audit May 2023
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No.02-Applicant Response
MPW S1 Independent Audit Program
MPE S1 RALP Independent Audit Report No.02 (July 2018)
MPW S1 Independent Audit Report No.05 (December 2022)
MPE S2 Independent Audit Report No.01
MPE S1 RALP Independent Audit Report No.03 (Dec 2018)
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.02
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.03
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.04
MPE EPBC Independent Audit Report (2019)
MPW S1 Independent Audit Report No.02 (Mar 2020)
MPE S1 RALP Independent Audit Report No.04 (Nov 2019)
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.05
MPW S1 Independent Audit Report No.01 (Aug 2019)
MPW S1 Independent Audit Report No.03 (Nov 2020)
MPW S2 Independent Audit Program
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.01 - Applicant Response
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.01
MPE S1-S2 Independent Audit Report Operations - Applicant Response
MPE S1-2 Independent Audit Report - Operations
MPE S2 WSUD Audit Report
MPW S1 Independent Audit Report No.04 (Jan 2022)
MPE S1 IMEX Independent Audit Report No.06
MPE S2 Independent Audit Report No.02
MPE S2 Independent Audit Report No.02 - Applicant Response
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No.01
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No.01-Applicant Response
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.02
MPW S2 Independent Audit Report No.02 - Applicant Response
MPW S3 Independent Audit Report No.02
F5A Management Plan
MPW S2 Workplace Travel Plan
MPW S2 Staging Report
MPW S2 Staging Report Revision 5 Approval Letter
MPW S2 OTAMP Revision 9 Approval Letter
MPW S2 Stormwater Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Plan
MPW S2 Warehouse Operations Emergency Plan
MPW S2 Operational Traffic and Access Management Plan
MPW S2 Operational Noise Management Plan
MPW S2 Operation Independent Audit Program
MPW S2 Operational Flora and Fauna Management Plan
MPW S2 Operational Emergency Response Plan
MPW S2 Operational Environmental Management Plan
MPW Stage 2 Operational Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Program
MPW S2 Stormwater Quality Monitoring Program
MPW S2 Landscape Vegetation Management Plan
MPE S2 Operational Environmental Management Plan
Precinct Operational Air Quality Management Plan
MPE S1 Operational Community Communication Strategy
MPE S1-S2 Operational Noise and Vibration Management Plan
MPE S1-S2 Operational Traffic and Access Management Plan
MPE S1 Operational Waste and Resources Management Plan
MPE S1 Stormwater Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Plan
MPE S1 Rail Noise Monitoring System (G7)
MPE S1 Heritage Interpretation Plan
MPE S1 Operational Emergency Response Plan
MPE S2 Warehouse Operational Environmental Management Plan Warehouse 3a (Caesarstone)
MPE S2 Warehouse Operational Environmental Management Plan Warehouse 5 (Qube)
MPE S2 Warehouse Operational Environmental Management Plan Warehouse 4b (ATS)
MPE S2 Warehouse Operational Environmental Management Plan Warehouse 3b (Federal Hospitality Equipment)
MPE S2 Warehouse Operational Environmental Management Plan Warehouse 1 (Catch)
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Determination - Variation to Approval Conditions
MPE EPBC Commonwealth Determination - as varied June 2022
Precinct Wide Approvals (PWA)
Moorebank Precinct East (MPE)
Moorebank Precinct West (MPW)
Moorebank Avenue Realignment (MAR)